Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Camp Basics

So, back in March when all the brochures were coming in the mail I had all these ambitions of taking my pre-kindergarten kid out of her year-round preschool and having her do a series of day camps for the balance of the summer. I polled my friends and they were just not ready to commit to the summer camp plans of their kids.

Now summer has arrived (well, quite nearly) and our summer camp plans are slightly altered but still pretty action packed. I remember going to sleep away camp five times as a kid, each trip has it's own special place in my heart and memories. While my daughter is still much too young for sleep away camp the websites and Facebook posts filling my newsfeed are making me yearn for the good ol' days and honestly, making me start writing lists for when she and her two younger siblings are finally ready to head off to camp.

What are some camp must haves?

First is a personal water bottle, our favorites are Kleen Kanteen and Vapur. These water bottles are also great for school and taking to the park. Both of these brands come in a variety of colors. The Kleen Kanteens are stainless steel and come in sizes to meet the needs of all the members of your family. The advantage to the Vapur bottles is that they are lightweight, come with carbiner clips and collapse to nearly nothing between uses. These are the ones my kids have - color-coded so everyone knows whose is whose.

If you are heading sending the kids to day camp you will want an easy lunch packing system, we are very, very fond of Easylunchboxes. Their containers are dishwasher safe, have handy compartments that encourage balanced meal packing and they are the perfect size for anyone in the family. Two other reasons we love these lunch containers is the website's huge photographic collection of lunch ideas and the fact that the company is owned and run by a mom!

What are you packing?